Honda airbag safety
Many wondered at the time whether the new technology would be as worthwhile and usable as many of Honda's previous innovations, or would it quickly be forgotten amongst the annals of ideas that "seemed good at the time".
After confirming the airbag's viability in numerous crash test dummy scenarios, the question of whether or not the technology works in a real life situation has also now been answered.
"I crashed into one of the trees lining the street behind a small ditch," said experienced German Goldwing rider and engineer Willi Hansel.
Hansel explained that the force of the impact destroyed the front panel of the motorcycle, as well as snapping the left fork leg and smashing the engine. After making a conscious decision just six months prior to purchase the luxury GL1800 with the bag option, Hansel says the airbag saved his life. Although he did receive serious injuries, the then 57 year-old reckons he would not be alive if it were not for the bag.
"Although it is never a good thing when a motorcyclist gets injured, this is a fantastic story in many respects," said Honda Australia's General Manager, Motorcycles Tony Hinton. "We have always been confident that the airbag would do its job and save lives. Of course, it is difficult to test every scenario, however Honda engineers were very particular about this invention because of its incredible significance as far as safety."
"If the airbag saves even one life, as it already has in Mr Hansel's case, it is well worth the investment."
Source: JUST BIKES, October 2009, Collectors Issue 244