Greasers MC Workshop launches Adelaide DIY Garage crowd-funding campaign
Gerrard and Josephine, the proprietors of Greaser's, have seen such a dramatic increase in motorbike owners coming to them for a better understanding of motorcycle maintenance that they were struggling to keep up with demand. Hence the call for members and crowd-funding campaign which, with proper support, will make the dream of a new DIY garage in the SA capital a reality.
"We have been hatching a plan to create an inner-city hub and community for Adelaide's motorcycle lovers for a while now," Gerrard explained.
"By partnering with other business and individuals, we're hoping to build our collective expertise to help each other out and have lots of fun while doing it!"
The new enterprise will create a space for bike owners, motorcycle enthusiasts, amateur mechanics and appreciators to work on their pride and joy without the hassle and expense of maintaining and buying their own equipment.
An annual membership fee* will allow members exclusive access to garage space and tools to work on their own motorcycles, with the aid of training classes on motorcycle maintenance and repair and - in the future - regular events, organised rides and even a rockabilly-themed eatery.
Their target fundraising amount is $30,000, to be funded by up-front purchase of membership pledges and sponsorships through a Pozible campaign, wrapping up on August 24.
The young couple have put everything they have into the success of this venture, even putting their wedding on hold until the new garage is up and running. For now, the two of them will have to be content with a lot of '50s chrome, greasy engines and the drive to succeed.
Check out the promotional video at:
Greaser's DIY - awareness raising, fundraising and fun events:
Thurs 3 July (7:30pm) Movie fundraiser night - viewing Terminator Genisys
Sat 22 August Greasers Weekend Slowcial (City Ride)
*For detailed membership pricing and further details, go to