Harley-Davidson Panhead - 75th Anniversary Event - Gundagai NSW
This year in 2023 will be the 75th Anniversary of the Harley-Davidson Panhead with production running from 1948 through to 1965.
In conjunction with the Harley City Collection, a fantastic weekend event is planned in November 2023 to celebrate this landmark. Panheads across all years and incarnations are welcome including original paint classics, latest restorations or early choppers or bobbers.
The event will focus around the Gundagai NSW area with a meet up and Registration on the Friday night in town. There will be a Saturday ride to Woodstock (near Cowra NSW) for lunch. An alternative route back to Gundagai is planned with a Saturday night Awards Dinner at Gundagai.
Entry Forms have been sent to all known Panhead owners and enthusiasts from earlier Events.
Other Panhead owners and anyone interested are encouraged to contact organisers if they wish to participate or obtain more information.
Plans are for an exciting weekend riding these trusty classics and catching up with old and new friends so start planning now. Organisers are looking forward to seeing you in Gundagai on your Panhead in November 2023.
First point of contact is Kendal Maroney by email or phone.